Skills in Scranton is the independent 501(c)(3) workforce development affiliate of The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce. For more than 25 years, Skills has worked with local employers, school districts, higher education partners, and Pennsylvania data experts to develop strategies that help ensure our regional workforce is aligned with high-priority jobs of the future. Business leaders across northeastern Pennsylvania recognize that education is critical to our economic future, and the long-term success of our youth. Skills in Scranton is uniquely positioned as an intermediary between business, education, and community-based organizations to facilitate partnerships, address workforce preparedness, and build a talent pipeline.
To create career awareness and develop a talent pipeline supporting high-priority occupations in Lackawanna County through collaborations with industry, education, and community workforce and economic development organizations.
Learn MoreIncreased Awareness of Industry Careers
Build Industry Talent Pipeline
Utilize SKILLS Resources to Support Industry Careers
Support Economic Development in Northeastern Pennsylvania
Identify Sustainable Financial Resources